For anyone who wants to add to the UK government's consultation on copyright 'protection' (i.e. no protection at all) against AI companies' exploitation, the ALCS has a brilliant guide to help you unpick the questions:


British citizens can respond to the survey here:


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Thanks for the balanced criticism of the government's position on copyright and AI. I spent about six hours answering all the questions earlier this week and was left-facing with the same impression: their proposals will drive inequality by syphoning value from creators' works in the bank account of tech titans.

I was reminded of those 90s anti piracy adverts "you wouldn't steal a car", except with "you wouldn't steal a library"... except that's exactly what these companies are having done, yet rather than seeking a prosecution and protection of rights, the government is trying to backfill the law to make theft okay so long as it's done on a grand scale. It's literally criminal.

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